Showing posts with label PC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PC. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Cara Mudah Crimping Kabel LAN (Tutorial Untuk Pemula) - Susunan Warna Kabel, Alat & Proses Crimping.

Melakukan proses krimping kabel LAN (menyambungkan antara kabel UTP dan konektor RJ45) sangatlah mudah dan cepat. Jika anda sudah ahli, anda bisa melakukan proses crimping dalam waktu 1-3 menit saja.

Cara Crimping Kabel UTP Lan Dengan Cepat & Benar, alat-alat crimping kabel lan, sambung konektor rj4 ke kabel utp lan, susunan kabel straight & cross

Alat dan Bahan apa saja yang harus dipersiapkan untuk proses crimping?

Alat dan bahan yang harus dipersiapkan adalah:
1. Tang Crimping.
2. Pengupas Kabel (bisa digantikan dengan gunting atau cutter).
3. Konektor RJ45.
4. Kabel UTP
5. Cable Tester (Jika tidak ada juga tidak apa-apa).

Cara Crimping Kabel UTP Lan Dengan Cepat & Benar, alat-alat crimping kabel lan, sambung konektor rj4 ke kabel utp lan, susunan kabel straight & cross

Bagaimana susunan warna kabel untuk sambungan Straight dan Cross?

A. Susunan warna sambungan kabel Straight adalah:

  • Pada Ujung 1: Putih Orange - Orange - Putih Hijau - Biru - Putih Biru - Hijau - Putih Coklat - Coklat.
  • Pada Ujung 2 : Sama seperti ujung 1.

B. Susunan warna sambungan kabel Cross adalah:

  • Pada Ujung 1: Putih Orange - Orange - Putih Hijau - Biru - Putih Biru - Hijau - Putih Coklat - Coklat.
  • Pada Ujung 2: Putih Hijau - Hijau - Putih Orange - Biru - Putih Biru - Orange - Putih Coklat - Coklat.

Cara Crimping Kabel UTP Lan Dengan Cepat & Benar, alat-alat crimping kabel lan, sambung konektor rj4 ke kabel utp lan, susunan kabel straight & cross

Bagaimana cara crimping Kabel UTP dengan Konektor RJ45?

Langkah-langkah crimping kabel LAN adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Potong kulit kabel sepanjang 2,5cm - 3cm dengan menggunakan Pengupas Kabel.
2. Susun dengan benar 8 kabel sesuai dengan kebutuhannya (susunan straight atau cross).
3. Luruskan dan rapikan kedelapan kabel tersebut. Dan pastikan kembali susunannya sudah benar.
4. Potong dan ratakan ujung kabel dengan Tang Crimping. Sisakan sekitar 0,5 inci.
5. Masukkan ujung kabel ke Konektor RJ45.
6. Jepit dan rapatkan kuncian-kuncian pada Konektor RJ45 dengan menggunakan Tang Crimping.
7. Tes kualitas sambungan dengan Cable Tester. Jika tidak ada Cable Tester, langsung colokan saja ke komputer untuk mengetesnya.

Untuk lebih jelasnya tentang proses cara crimping kabel LAN, anda bisa lihat video tutorialnya pada link berikut:

Atau anda bisa langsung melihatnya pada video dibawah ini.

Demikian artikel Cara Crimping Kabel Lan Dengan Mudah Dan Cepat (Tutorial Untuk Pemula). Semoga bermanfaat.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Ternyata Inilah Caranya Menampilan Facebook Mode Gelap Versi Dekstop.

Aplikasi Facebook kini mempunyai tampilan baru. Yup!! Facebook bisa dirubah menjadi mode gelap. Bagi sebagian pengguna, mungkin fitur baru ini cukup menggembirakan dikarenakan mode gelap bisa memberikan rasa nyaman di mata.

Jika anda ingin mengaktifkan fitu Mode Gelap pada aplikasi Facebook anda, silahkan ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini:

1. Apabila tampilan aplikasi Facebook anda masih menggunakan Facebook versi lama, maka anda harus menggantinya terlebih dahulu ke tampilan Facebook versi baru.

Caranya adalah dengan klik tombol segitiga di pojok kanan atas. Setelah muncul menu dropdown kemudian pilih "Beralih ke Facebook Baru"

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2. Setelah tampilan Facebook sudah beralih ke tampilan baru, klik tombol segitiga di pojok kanan atas aplikasi Facebook.

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3. Begitu menu dropdown muncul, nyalakan pilihan Mode Gelap. Nah dengan demikian tampilan aplikasi Facebook anda akan berubah.

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merubah tampilan Facebook Mode Gelap versi dekstop, tutorial, cara setting, tips, nyalakan mode gelap, setting dark mode facebok, cara atur

Demikian artikel tentang merubah tampilan Facebook menjadi Mode Gelap. Semoga bermanfaat.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Cara Mengatasi Tampilan Grayscale (Abu-Abu) Windows 10

Jika anda mendapati tampilan Windows 10 anda menjadi grayscale (abu-abu), jangan langsung berasumsi bahwa komputer / laptop anda mengalami kerusakan parah.

Perubahan warna tersebut memang bisa disebabkan oleh banyak faktor semisal layar/monitor atau VGA card rusak. Namun alangkah baiknya apabila kita melakukan cek terhadap sistem Windows kita terlebih dahulu sebelum melakukan servis dan membeli komponen-komponen komputer yang kita anggap rusak tadi.

Catatan : Tutorial ini menggunakan Windows 10 Home Version 1903 (OS Build 18362.778). Jika anda menggunakan Win10 versi sebelumnya, mungkin lokasi Filter yang dimaksud akan sedikit berbeda.

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Bagaimana Cara Mengembalikan Tampilan Warna Windows 10 Dari Grayscale (Hitam-Putih) Menjadi Berwarna?

1. Tekan tombol Windows+Ctrl+C. Jika cara ini belum berhasil silahkan lanjutkan ke langkah No.2

2. Buka bagian Settings melaui Start - Settings, lalu pilih Ease of Access.

cara atasi warna tampilan abu-abu windows, warna grayscale, warna kelabu, windows tidak berwarna, windows jadi warna hitam putih, kembalikan warna windows 10, win10, tutorial, how to, tips trik, sinichinet, warna windows rusak

3. Kemudian pilih Color filters. Di kolom sebelah kanan, pada bagian Turn on color filters gantilah opsi On menjadi Off.

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Demikian tutorial singkat Cara Mengatasi Tampilan Grayscale (Hitam Putih) Windows 10. Semoga bermanfaat.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

How to permanently turn off Windows 10 updates?

If you want to know the latest way to permanently turn off Windows 10 Update, you can try this tutorial. We have tried this tutorial on [Windows 10 Home Version 1903 (OS Build 18362.30)] and it worked.
How to turn off Windows 10 auto update by force to save internet quota. Tutorial on saving quota on Windows 10, turn off permanent updates, tips, tricks effective, steps, easy, fast, effective, sure way, turn off updates forever, stop downloading Windows 10 updates forever

How to permanently turn off Windows 10 updates?

There are 4 steps to permanently turn off Windows 10 Update.
  • Step 1 using Services (services.msc).
  • Step 2 using the Registry Editor (regedit).
  • Step 3 using File Explorer.
  • Step 4 using the Command Prompt.

A. Step 1: by using Services (services.msc).

1. Press the [Windows+R] Button or use [Start-Run] to open the Run Command.

2. Type [services.msc] to run the [Services] feature.

How to turn off Windows 10 auto update by force to save internet quota. Tutorial on saving quota on Windows 10, turn off permanent updates, tips, tricks effective, steps, easy, fast, effective, sure way, turn off updates forever, stop downloading Windows 10 updates forever

3. Select the [Windows Updates] option in the right hand column, and double-click it so that the [Windows Update Properties (Local Computer)] window appears.

4. On the [General] tab, for the [Startup type] section, select the [Disabled] option. After that, press the [Stop] button.

How to turn off Windows 10 auto update by force to save internet quota. Tutorial on saving quota on Windows 10, turn off permanent updates, tips, tricks effective, steps, easy, fast, effective, sure way, turn off updates forever, stop downloading Windows 10 updates forever

5. Select the [Recovery] tab. In the [First failure] section, change the [Restart the Service] option to [Take No Action]. Click the [Apply] and [OK] button.

How to turn off Windows 10 auto update by force to save internet quota. Tutorial on saving quota on Windows 10, turn off permanent updates, tips, tricks effective, steps, easy, fast, effective, sure way, turn off updates forever, stop downloading Windows 10 updates forever

B. Step 2: Using the Registry Editor (regedit).

We will change the data in the [wuauserv, WaaSMedicSvc, UsoSvc] section.

1. Press the [Windows+R] button or use [Start-Run] to open [Run Command].

2. Type [regedit] to run [Registry Editor].

3. Follow the navigation below:

4. Change the data on [DependOnService] and [ImagePath].
  • DependOnService : change [rpcss] to [rpcssX].
  • ImagePath : change [%systemroot%\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs] to [%systemroot%\system32\svchostX.exe -k netsvcs]
How to turn off Windows 10 auto update by force to save internet quota. Tutorial on saving quota on Windows 10, turn off permanent updates, tips, tricks effective, steps, easy, fast, effective, sure way, turn off updates forever, stop downloading Windows 10 updates forever

How to turn off Windows 10 auto update by force to save internet quota. Tutorial on saving quota on Windows 10, turn off permanent updates, tips, tricks effective, steps, easy, fast, effective, sure way, turn off updates forever, stop downloading Windows 10 updates forever

5. Follow the navigation below:

6. Double-click on the [Start] section, and change the number [3] to [4]. Then change the data on [DependOnService] and [ImagePath].
  • DependOnService : change [rpcss] to [rpcssX].
  • ImagePath : change [%systemroot%\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs] to [%systemroot%\system32\svchostX.exe -k netsvcs]

7. Follow the navigation below:

8. Double-click on the [Start] section, and change the number [3] to [4]. Then change the data on [DependOnService] and [ImagePath].
  • DependOnService : change [rpcss] to [rpcssX].
  • ImagePath : change [%systemroot%\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs] to [%systemroot%\system32\svchostX.exe -k netsvcs]

C. Step 3 : Using File Explorer.

1. Press the [Windows+E] button or use [Start-Windows System-File Explorer].

2. Follow the following navigation: C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution.

3. Delete all folders & files contained in the Download folder.

The next step is: take over [permission] from [System] on the file:
  • wuaueng.dll
  • wuauclt.exe
  • WaaSMedicAgent.exe
  • WaaSMedicSvc.dll
  • WaaSMedicCapsule.dll
  • WaaSMedicPS.dll
  • UsoClient.exe
  • usosvc.dll

All files can be found at C:\Windows\System32\

4. Find the [wuaueng.dll] file by following this navigation:

5. Right-click on the file and select the [Properties] option. Then select the [Security] tab, and click the [Advance] button to open the [Advance Security Settings] window.

How to turn off Windows 10 auto update by force to save internet quota. Tutorial on saving quota on Windows 10, turn off permanent updates, tips, tricks effective, steps, easy, fast, effective, sure way, turn off updates forever, stop downloading Windows 10 updates forever

6. In the [Owner] section, click on [Change]. Type your username, then press the [Check Names] button, then the [OK] button. Continue clicking the [OK] button next, until the [Properties] window closes. We must close the [Properties] window first so that the addition of the user name that we did earlier was processed by the Windows system.

How to turn off Windows 10 auto update by force to save internet quota. Tutorial on saving quota on Windows 10, turn off permanent updates, tips, tricks effective, steps, easy, fast, effective, sure way, turn off updates forever, stop downloading Windows 10 updates forever
How to turn off Windows 10 auto update by force to save internet quota. Tutorial on saving quota on Windows 10, turn off permanent updates, tips, tricks effective, steps, easy, fast, effective, sure way, turn off updates forever, stop downloading Windows 10 updates forever

7. Repeat method No.5 for the [wuaueng.dll] file to open the [Advance Security Settings] window again.

8. Double click on one of the names in the Principal column (such as TrustedInstaller), so that the [Permission Entry] window appears. Remove all check marks except for the read section in the [Basic Permission] section Then press the OK button.

How to turn off Windows 10 auto update by force to save internet quota. Tutorial on saving quota on Windows 10, turn off permanent updates, tips, tricks effective, steps, easy, fast, effective, sure way, turn off updates forever, stop downloading Windows 10 updates forever

9. Perform step no.8 on all [Principal]. Then click the [Apply] and [OK] button. Continue clicking the [OK] button until the [Properties] window closes.

10. Repeat steps No.5 through No.9 for all of the following files: wuauclt.exe, WaaSMedicAgent.exe, WaaSMedicSvc.dll, WaaSMedicCapsule.dll, WaaSMedicPS.dll, UsoClient.exe, and usosvc.dll.

D. Step 4 : Using Command Prompt.

1. Follow the navigation below: Start - Windows System - Command Prompt.

2. Run [Command Prompt] as [Administrator].

3. Type or copy the command below then press Enter.
takeown /f "%windir%\System32\UsoClient.exe" /a

4. Continue by typing or copy the command below and press Enter.
icacls "%windir%\System32\UsoClient.exe" /inheritance:r /remove "Administrators" "Authenticated Users" "Users" "System"

Note: If you want to run the [UsoClient] feature again, because you want to update Windows, you can use the following command:
icalcs "%windir%\System32\UsoClient.exe" /reset

5. Restart your computer.

Hopefully this article can be useful for those of you who need it.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

How To Restore File And Folder That Hidden By Virus (By Using Notepad)

For you, computer users based on Windows OS, must have been familiar with Computer Virus. And one of the bad things caused by these viruses is the loss of Data and Folders on our hard drive, memory, and pendrive.

It must be very inconvenient if our important data such as office work, schoolwork, thesis, or memorable photos, suddenly lost. Although the data / folder is actually not really lost, just hidden in the same place by the virus.

How to RestoreThe Missing Folders and Files That Hidden By Virus?

Before restoring lost files / folders, first make sure your antivirus is updated. Why? because if the antivirus on your computer does not do its job properly, then the file you have found later will be hidden once again by the virus. And of course we do not want that to happen.

I use 2 antivirus at once, Avast and SmadAV. Both antivirus will not interfere with each other, on the contrary, it will complement each other.

well, let's get back to the main problem. Actually there are several ways to restore files / folders hidden by virus, but this time we will only use Notepad.

Please follow the steps below:

1. Open Notepad. In Windows7, Notepad is located in Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Notepad.
2. Type The Command. Type "attrib -s -h -r *. * / s / d" (without quotation marks) in Notepad, then save and name it whatever you want.

How to Restore Hidden Files and Folders by Using Notepad, antivirus, hidden files, lost files, windows, txt, bat, attrib, tutorial, guide, tips, tricks, restore lost files, attrib -s -h -r * . * / s / d, virus attack

3. Change The Extention. Change the extention from .txt to .bat, such as: hidden.txt becomes hidden.bat
How to Restore Hidden Files and Folders by Using Notepad, antivirus, hidden files, lost files, windows, txt, bat, attrib, tutorial, guide, tips, tricks, restore lost files, attrib -s -h -r * . * / s / d, virus attack

4. Copy The File. Copy the .bat file to the drive or pendrive where the lost file / folder is located.
5. Excecute Command. Press 2x the .bat file, and wait until the Command Prompt window disappears. After that, the files hidden by the virus will reappear.

Hopefully this tutorial can help you.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Cara Mudah Mempercepat Kinerja Windows 10

Jika anda merasa kinerja Windows 10 pada PC atau laptop anda lambat, ada beberapa cara mudah untuk membuat Windows 10 berjalan lebih cepat. Sebenarnya ada banyak cara untuk mempercepat Windows 10, dari cara yang sangat ekstrim dimana bisa merubah tampilan Windows sehingga menjadi kurang nyaman, hingga cara ringan tapi bisa sangat membantu proses kinerja Windows 10 anda.

Cara yang kami sajikan berikut adalah cara ringan saja namun sangat efektif untuk mempercepat Windows 10 anda.

Adapun langkah-langkah yang perlu dilakukan adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Matikan Windows Update.
2. Matikan Windows Search.
3. Matikan Superfetch / Sysmain.
4. Atur waktu pada System Startup.
5. Matikan Background App.
6. Disable program-program yang tidak diperlukan pada startup Windows.
7. Uninstall semua antivirus tambahan (optional).

tips atasi windows 10 lemot, windows 10 loading lambat, tutorial, cara ampuh mempercepat windows 10, atasi win 10 booting lambat

7 Langkah Mempercepat Kinerja Windows 10

I. Matikan Windows Update.

Windows Update bisa dibilang merupakan salah satu penyumbang terbesar lemotnya kinerja Windows 10, maka dari itu jika anda tidak memerlukan proses updatenya lebih baik di hentikan saja.

Bagaimana cara menghentikan Windows 10 Update? Silahkan anda baca di artikel berikut ini:
Cara Terbaru Untuk Mematikan Permanen Update Windows 10.

II. Matikan Windows Search.

1. Tekan tombol Windows+R. lalu ketik services.msc

tips atasi windows 10 lemot, windows 10 loading lambat, tutorial, cara ampuh mempercepat windows 10, atasi win 10 booting lambat

2. Pada jendela Services, carilah Windows Search pada kolom sebelah kanan dan klik 2x hingga muncul jendela Windows Search Properties (Local Computer)

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3. Pada bagian Startup Type pilih opsi Disable. Kemudian klik tombol Stop.

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4. lalu pilih tab Recovery, untuk semua option pilih Take No Action.

tips atasi windows 10 lemot, windows 10 loading lambat, tutorial, cara ampuh mempercepat windows 10, atasi win 10 booting lambat

5. Klik tombol Apply dan OK.

III. Matikan Superfetch / Sysmain.

1. Tekan tombol Windows+R. lalu ketik services.msc
2. Pada jendela Services, carilah Superfetch atau Sysmain pada kolom sebelah kanan dan klik 2x hingga muncul jendela Superfetch Properties (Local Computer) atau Superfetch Properties (Local Computer)

tips atasi windows 10 lemot, windows 10 loading lambat, tutorial, cara ampuh mempercepat windows 10, atasi win 10 booting lambat

3. Pada bagian Startup Type pilih opsi Disable. Kemudian klik tombol Stop.

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4. lalu pilih tab Recovery, untuk semua option pilih Take No Action.

tips atasi windows 10 lemot, windows 10 loading lambat, tutorial, cara ampuh mempercepat windows 10, atasi win 10 booting lambat

5. Klik tombol Apply dan OK.

IV. Atur Waktu pada System Startup.

1. Tekan tombol Start atau Search, lalu ketik control panel system. Klik logo System jika sudah tampil pada hasil pencarian anda.

tips atasi windows 10 lemot, windows 10 loading lambat, tutorial, cara ampuh mempercepat windows 10, atasi win 10 booting lambat

2. Pada jendela System, pilih Advance System Setting pada kolom sebelah kiri.

tips atasi windows 10 lemot, windows 10 loading lambat, tutorial, cara ampuh mempercepat windows 10, atasi win 10 booting lambat

3. Pada jendela System Properties, Pilih tab Advanced.
4. Lihatlah pada bagian Startup and Recovery dan tekan tombol Settings yang terdapat di situ.

tips atasi windows 10 lemot, windows 10 loading lambat, tutorial, cara ampuh mempercepat windows 10, atasi win 10 booting lambat

5. Pada jendela Startup and Recovery, aturlah waktu pada bagian Time to display list of operating systems dari 30 menjadi 10.

tips atasi windows 10 lemot, windows 10 loading lambat, tutorial, cara ampuh mempercepat windows 10, atasi win 10 booting lambat

6. Klik tombol OK

V. Matikan Background apps.

1. klik tombol Start - Settings. Lalu pilih Privacy.

tips atasi windows 10 lemot, windows 10 loading lambat, tutorial, cara ampuh mempercepat windows 10, atasi win 10 booting lambat

2. Pada kolom sebelah kiri, carilah Background apps.

tips atasi windows 10 lemot, windows 10 loading lambat, tutorial, cara ampuh mempercepat windows 10, atasi win 10 booting lambat

3. Anda bisa mematikan semuanya kecuali Connect, Settings, & Windows Security.

VI. Matikan program (Disable) yang tidak diperlukan pada startup Windows.

Program yang anda disable bukan berarti program tersebut tidak bisa digunakan lagi, melainkan harus dinyalakan secara manual.

1. Tekan tombol Start atau Search, lalu ketik Task manager. Bisa juga dengan tombol Ctrl+Alt+Del lalu pilih Task Manager.
2. Pilih tab Startup.
3. Pilih program yang akan anda matikan, lalu klik tombol Disable di pojok kanan bawah.

tips atasi windows 10 lemot, windows 10 loading lambat, tutorial, cara ampuh mempercepat windows 10, atasi win 10 booting lambat

VII. Uninstall Semua Antivirus Tambahan (optional).

Bisa dibilang software antivirus adalah salah satu bagian yang menghabiskan resource pada Windows sehingga membuat windows berjalan lambat. Windows Defender pada Windows 10 sebenarnya sudah cukup mumpuni untuk melawan virus dan malware.

Meskipun Windows Update sudah kita matikan, seperti yang sudah disebutkan pada langkah No.1 namun kita tetap bisa melakukan update Windows Defender secara manual. Maka dari itu anda tidak perlu khawatir terhadap keamanan data-data di komputer/laptop.

Setelah semua langkah sudah anda terapkan, kini restart komputer dan Windows 10 anda akan berjalan lebih cepat dari sebelumnya.

Demikian artikel Cara Mudah Mempercepat Kinerja Windows 10. Semoga bermanfaat.

Monday, February 10, 2020

How To Fix "Error 1935" When Installing Microsoft Office 2013 & 2016 On Microsoft Windows 10

Have you ever experienced an error when installing Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 or 2016 on Windows10, and a warning appears as below?

1: 1935 2: {BBC00726-F9C9-4C83-B6F0-C85B2C695753) 3: 0x80131049 4:
IAssemblyCacheltem 5: Commit 6:, fileVersion= "15.0.4420.1017",
version="", culture= "neutral", publicKeyToken="71E9BCE111E9429C",

How to fix "Error 1935" when installing Microsoft Office 2013 & 2016 on Microsoft Windows 10, Easy Ways to Resolve Errors When Installing Microsoft Office 2013 and 2016 on Microsoft Windows 10, error 1: 1935, how to, tips, tricks, tutorials,

If you are facing this problem, don't panic. Try the tutorial that we present below. These tips are guaranteed to be 98% successful, and we've tried it on Microsoft Windows Version 1809 (OS Build 17763.195).

How to fix "Error 1935" when installing Microsoft Office 2013 & 2016 on Microsoft Windows 10?

1. Press the [Windows + R] Button, or through Start - Run to open the Run Command.
2. Type regedit to run the Registry Editor feature.

How to fix "Error 1935" when installing Microsoft Office 2013 & 2016 on Microsoft Windows 10, Easy Ways to Resolve Errors When Installing Microsoft Office 2013 and 2016 on Microsoft Windows 10, error 1: 1935, how to, tips, tricks, tutorials,

3. Follow the navigation: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppModel
4. Change (Rename) AppModel to AppModel.old
5. Restart the computer and try again to install your Microsoft Office.

Okay, thus the article "How to fix "Error 1935" when installing Microsoft Office 2013 & 2016 on Microsoft Windows 10". Hopefully this article useful for you.