Monday, February 3, 2020

Ink Color Position In Canon Printer Color Cartridge

If you intend to self-refuel the color cartridge on a Canon printer, you must know the position of each color on the cartridge. Errors in determining color locations have a major impact on the results of the print process.

For the example, we use the CL-811 cartridge, which is used on Canon Pixma Printer iP-2770. Unlike black cartridges, color cartridges have 3 different color locations.

Ink Color Position In Canon Printer Color Cartridge, ink, red, magenta, blue, cyan, yellow, color sequence, ink hole, easy way of ink contents, refill ink, refill, sinichinet

To make it easier to know the three charging locations, remove the sticker / label on the cartridge. You can make a filling hole with a drill, screw, or nail.

So where are the ink color locations on the Canon printer color cartridge?

The third color location arrangement is:
1. Red Color (Magenta): located at the top.
2. Blue Color (Cyan): located on the bottom left.
3. Yellow color (Yellow): located on the bottom right.

Ink Color Position In Canon Printer Color Cartridge, ink, red, magenta, blue, cyan, yellow, color sequence, ink hole, easy way of ink contents, refill ink, refill, sinichinet

The positions of those three colors apply to the following Canon Pixma color printer cartridges:
iP2770/ iP2772/ iP1180/ iP1200/ iP1300/ iP1600/ iP1700/ iP1880/ iP1890/ iP2200/ iP2580/ iP2680
MP145/ MP150/ MP160/ MP170/ MP180/ MP198/ MP218/ MP228/ MP450/ MP460/ MP476/ MP258/ MP268/ MP276/ MP287/ MP486/ MP296/ MP497
MX308/ MX318/ MX328/ MX338/ MX347/ MX357/ MX366/ MX416/ MX426

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